Why do varicose veins appear? Know the reasons and how to avoid them
For many people, varicose veins are merely an aesthetic problem, but they can also cause significant discomfort such as pain in the legs or a feeling of constant fatigue, as explained in the article.
Causes and Risk Factors of Gallbladder Disease
While the most common cause of gallbladder disease is gallstones (called cholelithiasis),1 there are a number of other causes, including gallbladder inflammation (called cholecystitis), biliary dyskinesia, functional gallbladder disease, primary biliary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and gallbladder cancer.
Varicose veins: not just a cosmetic problem
Dr. Ward says varicose veins pop up when one-way valves in the vein become weakened or damaged, causing blood to collect in the vein.
Doctors Reveal the Best Sleeping Position to Outsmart Nighttime Leg Pain
If you suffer from peripheral artery disease (PAD) or other circulation problems, you know they’re not just a pain during the day.
How Gallbladder Disease Is Diagnosed
Ultrasound Is the Key Diagnostic Test